How to use Tritonus

Can Tritonus be useful for you? This page is trying to give an idea.

There are several situations where Tritonus can be useful for you. Typical situations are:


You can (and we appreciate this) adopt Tritonus in your clean room implementation of Java. kaffe has already done this.

The licence Tritonus uses is the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). If you think this doesn't fit, we can discuss the license issue. It is not totally excluded to change the license or to double-license Tritonus. However, since changing a license has many implications and requires much consideration, it is quite unlikely. In case the license of Tritonus is changed, it is highly likely that we will adopt a more open one, not a more restrictive one.

If you want to use Tritonus in your implementation, write a mail to tritonus-devel

Linux user (including UNIX)

Obviously, you can use the components named below under 'Java user'. Additionally, you can use these components:

To get more information and download the components, go to Plug-ins

Java user (including Windows)

Sorry, no alternative mixer implementation for Windows here. However, you can use the following components implemented in pure Java:

To get more information and download the components, go to Plug-ins

Last modified: Fri Jan 31 09:51:49 CET 2003